Home political 2019 Moves Mentor Awards Luncheon

2019 Moves Mentor Awards Luncheon

by devnym



Moves Magazine advocates for women’s rights, social fairness and equal opportunity to its readers. Since starting eighteen years ago, the ethos of the publication—and what serves as its beating heart—has been to always empower women: Lift up, encourage, but most of all, to call out the patriachy in the US.

The ‘Moves Mentor’ award is in recognition of, and to specifically highlight, the role individual women leaders play in shaping and forming the next generation; the energy, experience and expertise used in mentoring today’s millennials into tomorrow’s executives.

At the 2019 Moves Mentor Awards Luncheon. Orange is the New Black star Taylor Schilling gave a stirring keynote while award winners Christy Pambianchi, Margaret Larezos, Tia Silas, Julie Larson-Green, Smita Pillai, Col. Lynn Marm, and Barbara Whye inspired the handpicked guests

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